Guardrail Post

Guardrail Sticker Shock


Guardrails can be expensive, there's no doubt about it, but many of us fail to add up the benefits. I know it may seem easier to buy a couple of buckets of safety and slap some harnesses on your workers, but we can do better than that. Find the hidden value of guardrails before you get guardrail sticker shock.

Non-Shock Lanyard

When Can I Use a Non-Shock Lanyard?


It's a valid question. In fact, some might argue that you should always use shock absorbing lanyards. Well, it wouldn't hurt, but there an often times missed opportunity to use a non-shock absorbing lanyard.  And because they don't have a shock absorber, they're cheaper.

Chris Farley

Fall Protection Harnesses for Big Guys


You're big and you need a harness. No one's judging you. In fact, I applaud you for seeking out fall protection.  But being a heavier gentleman comes with its fair share of burdens. For example... What kind of fall protection do I need?

Fall Protection Questions

Stupid Fall Protection Question Day

Did you know that today is actually "Ask a Stupid Question Day?"   We're from the school of thought that there is no such thing as a stupid question, but what does this have to do with fall protection?
Fall Protection Swing Hazard

Fall Protection Swing Hazard


Some of you may not know this, but a very serious hazard can exist when using fall protection. It's called the swing hazard or swing factor. It can be extremely dangerous (like mixing peanut butter and jam). What the heck am I talking about? I'll tell you.

Fall Protection

Fall Protection Applications


Did you know that there's more than one way to use fall protection? Sure, we talk about fall protection harnesses and roof anchors here a lot, but there are other ways to use fall protection products. I came up with five to be exact. The beauty is that by learning about other fall protection applications, you'll be in a better position to handle and eliminate fall hazards. Find out the applications you may be missing.

Inspecting Your Harness

How To Inspect your Fall Protection Harness

How To

One of the most important parts of putting on a harness every day, besides actually wearing it, is inspecting it. (Actually demanded by OSHA) Wearing a damaged or worn out harness can be just as dangerous as going without a harness. Today we'll be teaching you some basic techniques for inspecting your harness.

Fall Protection Training

Fall Protection Training Basics Video


Check out our first fall protection training video. In this video, we cover the basics in a fresh new way. So, if you're tired of ridiculously boring and out of date training videos. Give this one a try. And if you've got a safety manager that's looking for new material, pass this video along. And now onto your feature presentation.

Spotting Fall Hazards

Identifying Fall Hazards

How To

As we talked a week or so ago about putting together a fall protection plan. One of the first steps was identifying a fall protection hazard. But what the heck are you really looking for? Let's find out. and teach you how to identify a fall hazard.

Fall Clearance Calculation

How To Calculate Fall Clearance

How To

Ah, the old fall clearance calculation. I'll be honest with you, this has always been a pain in the ass for me. It always seemed confusing to me. I don' t know why. And if it confused me, there are probably a couple of you out there that are confused by this as well. So, let's learn how to calculate fall clearance.

Are You Competent?

OSHA Defines Qualified and Competent Persons, Which One Are You?


Happy free day off day. You think they would have called today "Relax Day" instead of essentially "Work Day." Anyway, I digress. Did you know that OSHA actually classifies "Qualified" and "Competent" persons? Which are you?

Fall Protection Ladder Fail

Fall Protecton Fail Reminder...

Fall Protection Fail

It was on this day in 1888 that the name "Kodak" was trademarked. In that moment George Eastman made photographers out of all us with handheld cameras. That's where you come in...