Fall Protection Articles

Flying High, Staying Tied Off 100%
Amazing footage taken by drone by Prairie Aerial of a worker climbing a 1500' TV Tower. And what did this fall protection nerd notice?

Flat Out Anchoring Options
Not too long ago we had a question about using an anchor on a flat rooftop.

As Seen On TV - Guardian
From a segment on CBS Sunday Morning about this long-term park ranger who wears his fall gear during rooftop snow removal.

SaulTech: Lanyard on TV
On a recent episode of the AMC series "Better Call Saul" FallTech gear could be seen during a pivotal scene. Check out a "Hero" clip below:

Having Fun During Serious Work
Play Ball! Words heard across North America the past few weeks as a herald of spring.

Safe Approach Added to the Ranks
We're happy to announce that we've added four Safe Approach anchors to our ranks.

Simple Tips for Working High
OSHA has a pretty comprehensive fall prevention campaign going. They've got big picture guidelines for overall safety at heights. I'd like to share a few simple thoughts on what you can do personally to stay safe while working up high.

New Residential OSHA Regulations
Fall protection in the world of residential construction is changing. What exactly are the changes and what can you do about it?

The Story of Iron Workers

This past weekend I watched America: The Story of Us on the History Channel. If you haven't been watching this series, you should be. Not only is it extremely well done, it also makes you proud to be American and of the risks, our forefathers took to get us where we are today.

Fall Protection Questions
One of the biggest mistake users of fall protection equipment can make is assuming. Don't do it. You know what assuming does! It makes a complete fool out of you... and only you.

Comfortable Harness
A couple of months ago, I had the pleasure to work with a fella by the name of Will. Will was looking for a harness with very specific components. I was able to find Will the harness he was looking for, and when he received it, he sent me a picture.

Fall Protection Is A Tool
Hey everyone! Happy Worship of Tools Day! It's on this day that we embrace our manliness and worship tools. Seriously, dating back to the wooden club, men have loved tools.
Unfortunately, most people don't think of fall protection as a tool. But by changing the way you think about fall protection you may change your idea of safety equipment.