Fall Protection Articles

Miller Falcon Commercial
Every so often we like to create a commercial for our website. It usually includes a product we carry, and we try to make it funny. This time is no exception.
Want to find out how tough the Miller Falcon Retractable is? Then watch the video below. It'll blow your mind.

Falcon Review Video
Hey there! Welcome to February. In case you missed it because you don't comb every single acre of our online store, we've got a brand new video review for you.
Yep, we shot a video taking a look at some of the great features on the Miller Falcon Retractable. You know, like its tough shell, the swivel shackle... what the hell am I doing? Just watch the video...

Construction Awesomeness
It's officially the first Monday of the new year, and I thought a couple of videos would help us start the year off right.

Scary Safety Videos
Happy Day before Halloween! Officially called, "Oh Crap! I better get some candy day," in my house. Anywho, I wanted to share with you a couple of truly disturbing safety videos for Halloween. Don't worry, you won't see anyone's head getting chopped off, but you may urinate yourself.

Fall Protection Training Basics Video
Check out our first fall protection training video. In this video, we cover the basics in a fresh new way. So, if you're tired of ridiculously boring and out of date training videos. Give this one a try. And if you've got a safety manager that's looking for new material, pass this video along. And now onto your feature presentation.

A Fall Protection Harness For Everything
Hey guys... and females. Check out our first commercial. You may recognize the main character as that handsome devil that writes these posts. I don't want to give it away... you can probably figure it out... It's me!
Anywho, here it is, enjoy, and if you like it please pass share it with your friends.