
A couple weeks ago I shared with you a story about outfitting the hosts of Mythbusters with fall protection equipment. Did you know that we've worked with big and small companies across the country? And yes, even in Canada.

We've had the pleasure to do business with General Mills, Sara Lee Foods, and Morton Salt. This could be because I love food. Who knows? Heck, we've even worked with Shell Oil and Conoco Phillips. I wouldn't eat their product though.

Sure, we may be tooting our own horn a little bit.   Yet, I'm not sharing this with you to tell you how great we are. I'm more proud of the small guys we've helped stay safe. Whether they're window cleaners down the street or the local roofing company.

Every day we strive to provide the customer service of a local hardware store. No matter whether you're a fortune 500 company or a struggling entrepreneur, we've got you covered. Give us a call, we know what we're talking about.
